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These are photos from my personal collection that I have taken in Glens Falls, NY.
Glens Falls, NYGlen Street, Glens Falls, NYGlens Falls at TwilightFeeder Canal Trail, Glens Falls, NYCrandall Park, Glens FallsCrandall Park, Glens Falls, NYHyde Museum, Glens Falls, NYGazebo in Glens Falls City ParkWinter at Crandall Park, 2019Glen Street at Dusk, Glens Falls, NYGlens Falls from AboveGlens Falls and Lake George, NY from AboveHaviland Cove, Glens Falls, NYGlens Falls Alley at DuskGlens Falls at NightCrandall Public Library, Glens Falls, NYGlens FallsThe Clock on Glen StreetA Winter Scene in Crandall Park, Glens Falls, NYCrandall Public Library