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These are photos from my personal collection that I've taken in the Cape Cod towns of Bourne, Falmouth, Chatham, Brewster, and Brewster (Martha's Vineyard).
Chatham Light, Cape Cod, MALibrary, Chatham Bars InnOak Bluffs, Martha's VineyardFirst Parish Brewster Church, Brewster, MAFerry to Martha's Vineyard from Falmouth, Cape CodChatham Bars Inn Christmas TreeBourne Bridge, Cape Cod, MASitting Room, Chatham Bars InnOak Bluffs, Martha's VineyardLemon Tree Village, Brewster, Cape CodHouses, Oak Bluffs, Martha's VineyardThe Brewster StoreStorefront in ChathamOak Bluffs, Martha's VineyardJet Skiing in Vineyard SoundDining Room, Chatham Bars InnChatham Bars Inn at ChristmasDriving Over the Bourne Bridge