Dornoch wins the Belmont Stakes, led by groom Elio AlvarezDornoch 6.15.24Dornoch with exercise rider Priscilla Schaefer, 6.15.24Dornoch 6.15.24Dornoch 6.15.24Dornoch with exercise rider Priscilla Schaefer, 6.15.24Dornoch 6.15.24Complexion with exercise rider Priscilla Schaefer, 6.15.24Complexion, 6.15.24Complexion with exercise rider Priscilla Schaefer, 6.15.24Dornoch exercised by Priscilla Schaefer, 6.19.24Dornoch exercised by Priscilla Schaefer, 6.19.24Dornoch 6.19.24Dornoch 6.19.24Dornoch 6.19.24Dornoch 6.19.24Dornoch getting a bath from Elio Alvarez 6.19.24Dornoch 6.19.24West Memorial - entered in the Schuylerville stakes (rider is Caroline Nally)Pletcher barn 5.17.24